What does a Pommie bloke do after sex?

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

England. Sort your fucking teeth out.

Poms. You have the worst teeth anywhere on the planet. FACT.
You know it's bad when the Simpsons start taking the piss out of you. Remember 'The Big Book of British Smiles' that the dentist showed Lisa?
Fucking hell. I'm not asking you to be the next Donny Osmond. But for fucks sake.... CLEAN YOUR TEETH AT LEAST TWICE A DAY??? It's not hard? You get a toothbrush, slap some toothpaste on it and get scrubbing. And don't be scared of using a bit of Listerine or some dental floss too you unhygienic wankers.


  1. Although I disagree with most of the comments on this pathetic site I have to agree with the author on this one. The English have the worst teeth in the world. This is probably down to the NHS not providing a cheaper alternative to private dentistry though. Come on NHS!! Sort it out!!

  2. Sort your mom out. Never seen something so dirty.

  3. 1-800-DENTIST !!

    English folk, please make a note of this.
