What does a Pommie bloke do after sex?

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Inglés?? No entiendo que!

I feel genuinely sorry for the English sometimes. Lets be honest they have got fuck all going for them. They are ugly. They are shit at sport. The whole country is ultimately governed by Brussels and whatever they say, goes. Crime is through the roof, the food is bad enough to make a Billy goat puke and this fucked up little island has become Europes dumping ground for toxic waste.
We have already established that the only good thing about England is its proximity to continental Europe with all its history, fine dining and culture. So Aussie Dave decided to pick up a cheap flight and have a hop over to Spain for a few days.
Spain is a top place. Great architecture, a shit load of history, interesting little shops, a fantastic public transport service, nice weather and lovely fresh food. Spain is everything that England is not. But the Spanish themselves.... initially they didnt strike me as particularly friendly. I thought it was a bit odd. I know a lot of Aussies who have come over to Spain and they have all said they were great people. Strange I thought.....
I was trying to catch a train at Barcelona train station. Obviously being Spain, all the announcements were in Spanish. There were lots of platforms, lots of trains and I wasn't sure where to go. So I asked a guy who was working at the station if he could help me.
The bloke at the station looked me up and down as I spoke to him. I spoke in English. I apologised (in Spanish) for not being able to speak his language very well. He scowled at me and said 'Inglés?? No entiendo que!' before turning his back on me. I noticed his work colleague was laughing and they continued to speak Spanish.
Then it hit me.
These 2 guys thought I was fucking English.
Oh my fucking god. The embarrassment. AUSSIE DAVE BEING MISTAKEN FOR A FUCKING POM.
I knew there was only one thing for it. I had to prove to these Dago bastards that I was an Aussie. Fast.
I got my Aussie passport out of my backpack. Aussie Dave is an intelligent guy and thankfully has a basic command of quite a few languages, so I tapped the railway worker on the shoulder, showed him my passport and said 'Crees que soy Ingles? Yo vengo de Australia!!!'
The 2 blokes looked at each other. Then back at me. And then an amazing thing happened.
In perfect English the one guy said to me 'Sir. I am so very sorry. My friend and I thought you were English. You are Australian?? Australia is a beautiful country. We love Australians here in Spain. You are very very welcome here in Barcelona.'
And after that mix up those guys couldn't do enough for me. They even took me to the platform where my train was going from. They recommended several interesting things to see and do in Barcelona. They told me the best places to eat. We discussed cricket, football and we both agreed how fucked up the English are. What a great pair of bastards they were.
Its refreshing to find out that it's correct what everyone else has told me.
Even other Europeans hate the Poms as much as we do.


  1. You are a fucking wanker

  2. "I was trying to catch a train at Barcelona train station. Obviously being Spain, all the announcements were in Spanish."

    Doohhh - ever heard of Catalan? Obviously not.

  3. To anonymous above, Spanish and Catalan are the official languages of Catalonia. At train stations, until recently, Castilian-Spanish would have been spoken. Dooohhh!!!

    Dave, I am an Aussie living in the middle of this nasty island. I have experienced the same shit that you have so elegantly written in this blog. I'm going to save this blog in my favorites and email it anonymously to all my anglo work mates. THEY NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THEMSELVES!!!

    I can't wait to leave this horrible, miserable island.

    Dave, can you post about their ugly bodies and faces, how they prematurely age (without grace) by the time they hit 45, how their hair thins out and goes gray, how many of them use crutches and carts just to move round, how they smile and giggle at the stupidest things, how arrogant and self-righteous they are, and how they managed to fuck up half the world in 300 years, still fucking up countries like Afghanistan and Iraq, fucking up the EU and in the process, fucking themselves up.

    Keep writing Dave. I'm your biggest fan!!!

    I'll call myself, Tom the Pom as a pseudonym if and when I ever comment here, so that you will recognize me.
