What does a Pommie bloke do after sex?

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

The English can't cope with their own weather

Many Aussies have never seen snow. I was lucky because I used to live in the Snowy Mountains, southern NSW at the foot of Mount Kosciusko for a short time. As the name would suggest...it used to snow. HARD. Allegedly we used to get more snow than Switzerland. But life went on as normal. Schools were open, roads were snow ploughed, chains were fitted onto car wheels...and off we went.
I went to Finland a few years ago...in December. Snow everywhere, ice, and temperatures of -25. Life carried on. The locals didn't bat an eyelid over it. One even said she was sorry it wasn't colder for the tourists.

And then there was the snow we had in England last week. The picture will illustrate nicely the 'Blizzard conditions' in London.

As one would imagine the whole of fucking England ground to a halt. Ok, some areas had a bit of snow. But at no stage was it on par with Mount Kosciusko or Finland.

This light coating of snow exposed some depressing national failings. In particular, the snowfalls have drawn attention to the negative mentality that prevails in certain sections of the public sector. The closure of thousands of schools on account of the snow was inexcusable. Too many head teachers have failed to take their responsibilities seriously, making little apparent effort to open their gates. I know English schools are shit, but fucking hell people ....its not like it snowed much.

Every regional authority across England revealed itself to be just as unprepared as the next. No lessons were learned and no one had a clue how to cope.

Out in the Pommie supermarkets people started to panic buy bread, milk, flour and eggs as though the Third World War was imminent. Newsflashes came on the telly showing weather presenters standing in a full 5cm of snow and whinging about how terrible it was. And how its going to get so much worse. For fucks sake.

And all this over the sort of weather that your average Siberian wouldn't even notice.

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